Sometimes we need to be reminded that we do have the ability to solve our own problems, if we are equipped with the right tools. One-on-one coaching is an opportunity for profound personal development and renewed excellence – for upgrading the whole toolbox.
An entrepreneur and their business are inextricably linked, which is why one-on-one individualized business coaching can be an invaluable tool for measurably increasing overall effectiveness. Coaching improves problem-solving and encourages goal-setting through proven methodologies, which translates into effective leadership, ultimately leading to a more profitable and sustainable business.
However, true change can only be achieved through fundamental behavioural changes. Our coaches will help you achieve your objectives by holding you accountable for your resolutions and actions by improving goal-setting, agreeing on KPIs and providing expertise and support. We then assess the results and build on what works, or find alternate solutions if needed. Your coach will bring an external perspective and a growth mindset to the long-term coaching relationship and ultimately to you and your business.

Coaching is shown to have a powerful, positive impact on self-confidence, wellness, and general work performance within a company. When a manager or owner receives professional coaching, their team members also benefit from the insight, leadership development, and coaching culture that the individual ploughs back into the organization.
With one-on-one coaching, you will get the necessary clarity about the current state of your business and a clear sense of direction for your business vision and future goals. Our coaches can work with you to unlock potential and achieve measurable results in the short term, but we are here to partner with you in all your business endeavours, throughout the lifespan of your company. A coach can assist you in making the best long-term decisions for you and your organization with confidence, knowing that they are based on solid groundwork and detailed analysis.
What to expect from your one-on-one coaching sessions:
- Your coach will support and mentor you through the coaching journey and help you to ask questions in search of self-development and overall business efficiencies through specifically-paced accountabilities, responsibilities and ownership.
- Your coach helps with business strategies, developing short, medium and long-term goals aimed at growing your business infrastructure, in order to deliver your product and service to your market.
- The relationship between coach and client is based on high trust, and a commitment to a values approach over a long-term period, all geared at building a sustainable and profitable business for you.
- Coaching will empower you with the skills and knowledge to make decisions and guide your business strategy in the long term.
- Your coach will test and measure actions, build on success and apply valuable lessons from actions that did not deliver results.
- Your coach will hold you accountable to do the work, while consistently providing you with guidance and support.
- You may meet face to face or virtually every two weeks or as necessary.

Coaching is a powerful long-term tool leading to measurable results that positively affect the bottom line. Our one-on-one coaching sessions will allow you to review, analyze and grow in the following areas:
By defining why you are in business, we can work towards achieving this purpose and removing any obstacles that may stand in the way.
Your mission defines the goals that you have set for yourself and your business. What are your services/product offering and how do you intend to deliver this to your market?
What is your long-term goal? What does this business look like in the future? We will help you define the possibilities.
Business Model Viability
Is your business model sound and going to achieve profitability and sustainability? It is important to get these basics in place.
This means planning to achieve outcomes. You need to clarify your goals and objectives for each of the key focus areas below:
People are your greatest asset, and it is important to gather the best team around you. We will look at how to:
- Attract, develop, align and retain your team members.
- Build a healthy organisation culture with a shared vision.
- Improve leadership.
Before you can sell a product or service, you need to be able to market yourself and your business. We will work on the following areas:
- Creating brand awareness
- Building communication channels to speak to your target audience/clients.
- How to achieve impact/leads, conversion and measurable return on investment.
Sales are why we get into business in the first place. Coaches will help you:
- Define your client/buyer in order to better target them.
- Tell your story in an engaging way.
- Develop and follow a sales plan.
Customer/Client relationships
The bedrock of any business. Through customer relationship management we will assist you with understanding your customer and keeping them satisfied.
What are the capabilities that give you a competitive edge to achieve your strategy in the following areas:
- Market penetration – ensure that you make an impact in your market segment.
- Product strategy – carefully evaluating and positioning your product or service.
- Customer segmentation – defining each segment of potential customers, then targeting them for sales.
- Supply chain – a streamlined supply-chain means faster production and money in your pocket.
Finance & Risk
These higher-level overviews are crucial drivers in long-term planning for your business. Coaches will enable decision-making and mitigation of risk with regards to:
- Profitability – profit is key, and we will examine all the elements needed to ensure profitability.
- Cash Flow – cash is the lifeline of any business, and needs to be managed correctly.
- Managing liquidity – it is important to prepare for slow months, and to utilise available cash effectively.
We will help you set and agree on SMART goals aligned to your strategy:
- Specific – your goal should be well-defined in order to facilitate planning.
- Measurable – define upfront what evidence or measures you will use to prove that you have achieved your goal.
- Achievable – ensure that you could realistically achieve your goal within the set timeframe.
- Relevant – your goals should align with your values and long-term vision.
- Time Bound – set an ambitious but realistic end date to work towards.
New Business Development/opportunities
Without new business you cannot grow. We will discuss:
- Opportunities to scale/expand your business.
- Diversifying income streams by thinking out of the box.
If you need to upgrade your business toolbox, reach out to our coaches
This depends on your goals and the objectives you wish to achieve. We tailor the cost to affect a short-term return which can be recouped through efficiencies realised in as little as 12 weeks.
As long as you are in business we want to partner with you and support you in achieving your goals. There can, however, be some immediate quick returns especially in owner-driven small businesses.
- You achieve a profitable and sustainable business very measurable.
- You increase your self-confidence.
- You make informed decisions.
- You are empowered by taking full control of your business.
- You achieve your goals and develop bigger longer-term goals.
- The people in the business better function and understand their roles and responsibilities with you working ON the business and not IN the business.
A minimum of 1 hour per week or every 2nd week Virtual and or Face to Face.
We have an objective 360 degree understanding of business. We are therefore able to deep dive into every aspect of business.
No, coaching forms part of and supports you in your day to day and strategic focuses to achieving a profitable and sustainable business.
- No, we support, guide and facilitate your implementation of the agreed actions. We assess the results and build on what works and find alternate solutions for what does not work.